AI in SMEs: Boosting Efficiency and Profitability or just Hype?

If you own or work in a small to medium-sized UK business, you might wonder if AI (Artificial Intelligence) is just a buzzword or if it can genuinely improve your business.

We’re told that AI can significantly impact the way all businesses operate, making processes more efficient and driving profitability – but how? Here’s a quick look at the potential of AI and how you could implement a practical trial in your business.

We’ll draw on the example of Monaco Solicitors: a leading UK employment law firm  which developed ‘Grapple’, an AI-based legal document creator for use by individual employees.

Understanding the Potential of AI

AI can automate routine tasks, provide insightful data analysis, and even enhance customer interactions. For small businesses, this means:

  • Improved efficiency by automating time-consuming tasks.
  • Enhanced customer experience by offering more personalised services.
  • Better informed decision-making using data already generated in your business.

Implementing an AI-based Trial: Practical Steps

  • Identify the Need:
    • Assess which part of your business could benefit most from automation or data analysis. For instance, if it’s HR,  areas like managing grievances or redundancies could be streamlined.
  • Set Clear Objectives:
    • Define what success looks like. Is it faster processing of documents like invoices? More efficient drafting of agreements? Or what? Keep your objectives measurable.
  • Research AI Solutions:
    • Look for AI tools that cater to your specific needs. For example, Monaco Solicitors’ AI-based tool ‘Grapple’ helps create legal documents more efficiently, saving time for both lawyers and clients.
  • Start Small:
    • Choose a small, manageable aspect of your business for the AI trial. This could be automating appointment scheduling or creating a chatbot for initial customer inquiries.
  • Choose the Right Partner:
    • Select an AI solution provider who understands businesses like yours and offers robust support. Ensure they have a good track record, especially in areas pertinent to your business. For some free tools, see
  • Pilot the AI Tool:
    • Implement the AI tool in a controlled environment. Monitor its performance and gather feedback.
  • Evaluate and Adjust:
    • After the trial, assess how the AI tool met your objectives. Did it improve efficiency in handling new enquiries or streamline the creation of identified documents? Use the insights to decide whether to expand its use or try different solutions.

Learning from other SMEs

Monaco Solicitors harnessed the power of AI by developing Grapple. This tool assists employees in the complex task of creating personalised legal documents, ensuring precision and saving lawyers’ valuable time. As an SME, adopting a similar approach by integrating AI in specific areas like document management or client interactions really can lead to significant improvements in your operations.